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The effect of social sphere digitalization on green total factor productivity in China: Evidence from a dynamic spatial Durbin model 期刊论文
Authors:  Gu, Bingmei;  Liu, Jiaguo;  Ji, Qiang
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Digital economy  Social sphere digitalization  Green total factor productivity  Dynamic spatial durbin model  Spatial spillover effect  
Have FDI quantity and quality promoted the low-carbon development of science and technology parks (STPs)? The threshold effect of knowledge accumulation 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2021, 卷号: 16, 期号: 1, 页码: 1932-6203
Authors:  Zhang, Shujing;  Hu, Beibei;  Zhang, Xiufeng
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Does air pollution hinder technological innovation in China? A perspective of innovation value chain 期刊论文
Journal of Cleaner Production 2, 2020, 期号: 278, 页码: 1-12
Authors:  Shoufu Lin;  Lian Xiao;  Xiaojiong Wang
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Effect of advancing internet technology on Chinese employment: a spatial study of inter-industry spillovers 期刊论文
Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 2020, 期号: 161, 页码: 120259
Authors:  Huijuan Wang;  Lin Ding;  Rong Guan;  Yan Xia
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Spatiotemporal Variations in Energy Consumption and Their Influencing Factors in China Based on the Integration of the DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Datasets 期刊论文
REMOTE SENSING, 2020, 卷号: 12
Authors:  Yue, Yanlin;  Tian, Li;  Yue, Qun;  Wang, Zheng
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投入产出模型内生扩展及其应用 学位论文
管理科学与工程, 中国科学院大学: 中国科学院大学, 2019
Authors:  蒋茂荣
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The effects of urban agglomeration economies on carbon emissions: Evidence from Chinese cities 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 2018, 期号: 172, 页码: 1096-1110
Authors:  Han, Feng;  Xie, Ru;  Lu, Yue;  Fang, Jiayu;  Liu, Yu
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基于演化博弈的京津冀雾霾治理环境规制政策研究 期刊论文
资源与环境中国人口, 2018, 卷号: 28, 期号: 12, 页码: 63-76
Authors:  初钊鹏;  卞晨;  刘昌新;  朱婧
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Industrial Carbon Emissions of China's Regions: A Spatial Econometric Analysis 期刊论文
SUSTAINABILITY, 2016, 卷号: 8, 期号: 3, 页码: 210
Authors:  Liu Yu;  Xiao Hongwei;  Zhang Ning
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Carbon Emissions in China: A Spatial Econometric Analysis at the Regional Level 期刊论文
SUSTAINABILITY, 2014, 期号: 6, 页码: 6005-6023
Authors:  Liu, Y;  Xiao, HW;  Zikhali, P;  Lv, YK;  北京8712信箱
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