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A metrics-based meta-learning model with meta-pretraining for industrial knowledge graph construction 期刊论文
Authors:  Liu, Yangshengyan;  Gu, Fu;  Wu, Yijie;  Gu, Xinjian;  Guo, Jianfeng
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Industrial knowledge graph  Few-shot text classification  Meta-learning  Deep metric learning  Attribute-based fusion  
Productivity assessment of the real estate industry in China: a DEA-Malmquist index 期刊论文
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2021, 期号: 0, 页码: 1-28
Authors:  Liu Xiaoxiao;  Liu Huihui;  Yang Guoliang;  Pan Jiaofeng
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Scenario simulation of CO2 emissions from light-duty passenger vehicles under land use-transport planning: A case of Shenzhen International Low Carbon City 期刊论文
SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, 2021, 卷号: 75, 期号: 75, 页码: 103266
Authors:  Tan, Xianchun;  Tu, Tangqi;  Gu, Baihe;  Zeng, Yuan
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A review of trends and drivers of greenhouse gas emissions by sector from 1990 to 2018 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2021, 卷号: 16, 期号: 7, 页码: 073005
Authors:  Lamb, William F.;  Wiedmann, Thomas;  Pongratz, Julia;  Andrew, Robbie;  Crippa, Monica;  Olivier, Jos G. J.;  Wiedenhofer, Dominik;  Mattioli, Giulio;  Khourdajie, Alaa Al;  House, Jo;  Pachauri, Shonali;  Figueroa, Maria;  Saheb, Yamina;  Slade, Raphael;  Hubacek, Klaus;  Sun, Laixiang;  Ribeiro, Suzana Kahn;  Khennas, Smail;  de la Rue du Can, Stephane;  Chapungu, Lazarus;  Davis, Steven J.;  Bashmakov, Igor;  Dai, Hancheng;  Dhakal, Shobhakar;  Tan, Xianchun;  Geng, Yong;  Gu, Baihe;  Minx, Jan
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草地生态系统多功能性与可持续发展目标的实现 期刊论文
自然杂志, 2021, 卷号: 43, 期号: 02, 页码: 149-156
Authors:  李通;  崔丽珍;  朱佳佩;  陈劭锋;  董祚继;  崔骁勇;  刘雅莉;  王艳芬;  宁瑶
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草地  草地生态系统  生态系统服务  生态文明  生态安全屏障  可持续发展目标  
科技优先领域遴选的决策认知偏误初探 期刊论文
科学学与科学技术管理, 2021, 卷号: 42, 期号: 03, 页码: 76-86
Authors:  王雪;  刘慧晖
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科技优先领域遴选  决策科学  认知偏误  
Modeling the joint impacts of ozone and aerosols on crop yields in China: An air pollution policy scenario analysis 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2021, 卷号: 247, 页码: 118216
Authors:  Zhang, Tianyi;  Yue, Xu;  Unger, Nadine;  Feng, Zhaozhong;  Zheng, Bangyou;  Li, Tao;  Lei, Yadong;  Zhou, Hao;  Dong, Xin;  Liu, Yu;  Zhu, Jiang;  Yang, Xiaoguang
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Have FDI quantity and quality promoted the low-carbon development of science and technology parks (STPs)? The threshold effect of knowledge accumulation 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2021, 卷号: 16, 期号: 1, 页码: 1932-6203
Authors:  Zhang, Shujing;  Hu, Beibei;  Zhang, Xiufeng
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Optimal selection of heterogeneous ensemble strategies of time series forecasting with multi-objective programming 期刊论文
Expert Systems with Applications, 2021, 卷号: 166, 页码: 114091
Authors:  Jianping Li;  Jun Hao;  Qianqian Feng;  Xiaolei Sun;  Mingxi Liu
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Multi-objective optimization  Ensemble forecasting  Machine learning  Evolutionary algorithm  Baltic Dry Index  
Regional efficiency of the real estate industry in 35 large and medium-sized cities in China:a meta-frontier SBM approach 期刊论文
POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES, 2021, 期号: 1, 页码: 1-33
Authors:  Liu, Xiao-Xiao;  Song, Yao-Yao;  Liu, Hui-Hui;  Yang, Guo-Liang
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