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Exploring the awakening effect in knowledge diffusion: a case study of publications in the library and information science domain 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2022, 卷号: 16, 期号: 4
Authors:  Chi, Yuxue;  Tang, Xianyi;  Liu, Yijun
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Awakening effect  Knowledge diffusion  Sleeping beauty  Super-network  Bibliometrics  
Superedge prediction: What opinions will be mined based on an opinion supernetwork model? 期刊论文
DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS, 2014, 期号: 64, 页码: 118-129
Authors:  Liu, YJ;  Li, QQ;  Tang, XY;  Ma, N;  Tian, RY;  北京8712信箱
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