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Regulatory effect of improving environmental information disclosure under environmental tax in China: From the perspectives of temporal and industrial heterogeneity 期刊论文
ENERGY POLICY, 2022, 卷号: 164
Authors:  Zhang, Jinzhu;  Liu, Yu;  Zhou, Meifang;  Chen, Boyang;  Liu, Yawen;  Cheng, Baodong;  Xue, Jinjun;  Zhang, Wei
Favorite  |  View/Download:72/0  |  Submit date:2023/05/30
Environmental information disclosure (EID)  Environmental tax  Regulatory effect  Temporal heterogeneity  Industrial heterogeneity  CGE model  
Planetary Boundaries for Forests and Their National Exceedance 期刊论文
Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 页码: 15423–15434
Authors:  Qian Zhang;  Jianchuan Qi;  Baodong Cheng;  Chang Yu;  Sai Liang;  Thomas O. Wiedmann;  Yu Liu;  Qiumeng Zhong
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新冠疫情究竟会怎样影响我国木材产业 报纸
Authors:  程宝栋;  张金珠;  刘宇
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