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Regulatory effect of improving environmental information disclosure under environmental tax in China: From the perspectives of temporal and industrial heterogeneity 期刊论文
ENERGY POLICY, 2022, 卷号: 164
Authors:  Zhang, Jinzhu;  Liu, Yu;  Zhou, Meifang;  Chen, Boyang;  Liu, Yawen;  Cheng, Baodong;  Xue, Jinjun;  Zhang, Wei
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Environmental information disclosure (EID)  Environmental tax  Regulatory effect  Temporal heterogeneity  Industrial heterogeneity  CGE model  
The Heterogeneous Relationship between Pollution Charges and Enterprise Green Technology Innovation, Based on the Data of Chinese Industrial Enterprises 期刊论文
ENERGIES, 2022, 卷号: 15, 期号: 5
Authors:  Wang, Mingyue;  Li, Yingming;  Wang, Zitong;  Li, Junqiang
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pollution charges  green technology innovation  industrial enterprise  heterogeneity analysis  
Exploring solutions to alleviate the regional water stress from virtual water flows in China 期刊论文
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2021, 卷号: 796, 页码: 148971
Authors:  Wang, Feng;  Cai, Beiming;  Hu, Xi;  Liu, Yu;  Zhang, Wei
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Investigating the effect of social media application on firm capabilities and performance: The perspective of dynamic capability view 期刊论文
Journal of Business Research, 2021, 期号: 139, 页码: 510–519
Authors:  YuYe;  Qionglei Yu;  Yongjun Zhenga;  Yi Zheng
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Adaptability,Agility, Dynamic Capability,Firm Performance,Social Media, Application Time-based Performance  
Planetary Boundaries for Forests and Their National Exceedance 期刊论文
Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 页码: 15423–15434
Authors:  Qian Zhang;  Jianchuan Qi;  Baodong Cheng;  Chang Yu;  Sai Liang;  Thomas O. Wiedmann;  Yu Liu;  Qiumeng Zhong
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Research on Industry Development Path Planning of Resource-Rich Regions in China from the Perspective of Resources, Assets, Capital 期刊论文
SUSTAINABILITY, 2021, 卷号: 13, 期号: 7, 页码: 3988
Authors:  Liu, Mingkai;  Liu, Changxin;  Zhang, Shouting;  Liu, Baoyin;  Sun, Yi;  Ge, Xun;  Wang, Xinyu;  Zhang, Hongyan
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The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on China ? s transport sectors based on the CGE model coupled with a decomposition analysis approach 期刊论文
TRANSPORT POLICY, 2021, 卷号: 103, 页码: 103
Authors:  Cui, Qi;  He, Ling;  Liu, Yu;  Zheng, Yanting;  Wei, Wei;  Yang, Bo;  Zhou, Meifang
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Does artificial intelligence affect the pattern of skill demand? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms 期刊论文
ECONOMIC MODELLING, 2021, 卷号: 96, 期号: 1, 页码: 295
Authors:  Xie, Mengmeng;  Ding, Lin;  Xia, Yan;  Guo, Jianfeng;  Pan, Jiaofeng;  Wang, Huijuan
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Assessing CO2 Emissions from Passenger Transport with the Mixed-Use Development Model in Shenzhen International Low-Carbon City 期刊论文
LAND, 2021, 卷号: 10, 期号: 2
Authors:  Tan, Xianchun;  Tu, Tangqi;  Gu, Baihe;  Zeng, Yuan;  Huang, Tianhang;  Zhang, Qianqian
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基于多元驱动因素的主权CDS利差预测研究 期刊论文
计量经济学报, 2021, 卷号: 1, 期号: 02, 页码: 362-376
Authors:  李建平;  王军;  冯倩倩;  孙晓蕾
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主权CDS  主权风险  MIV算法  多元驱动因素